28 February 2018

"Kill Teal" models (Vol. 2)

Posted by Admin
Here is the second batch of LEGO® models built by New Elementary readers (see the first here) where we asked you to imagine how LEGO designer and AFOL Mark Stafford might kill off this colour now it is back in the LEGO palette once more. We reveal the winners next week - which would you like to win from this bunch?

Not this time Mr. Stafford, not this time...

By Andreas Lenander

Decided to go in a little different direction with this entry. Instead of Mr. Stafford having another go at killing teal as he pleases, I figured there had to be some resistance this time around. So as Mr. Stafford goes about killing teal all over again, figuring no one will be the wiser, a few brave souls decide they have something to say about that.

*disclaimer: this in no way endorses the use of violence, alien or other, to prevent Mr. Stafford from killing teal again ;)

27 February 2018

"Kill Teal" models (Vol. 1)

Posted by Admin
The time has come at last! We asked you to imagine how LEGO® designer and AFOL Mark Stafford might kill off Teal again, now that this colour is back in the LEGO palette once more. We received 79 entries! We will publish a few every day, in the order they were received, and reveal the winners next week. Enjoy, and be sure to tell us your favourites in the comments.

I wanna kill you... again!

By Devid VII

In a secret room in LEGO factory Mark is trying to color the last teal pieces... I wanna kill you again!

24 February 2018

2018 LEGO® Speed Champions: Under the bonnet

Posted by Admin
Sven Franic has early access to the LEGO® Speed Champions range for 2018, which are now available at BrickLink. He's put them together and, more importantly, pulled them apart to reveal the new pieces you'll find in 75884 1968 Ford Mustang Fastback, 75885 Ford Fiesta M-Sport WRC, 75886 Ferrari 488 GT3 "Scuderia Corsa", 75887 Porsche 919 Hybrid, 75888 Porsche 911 RSR and 911 Turbo 3.0, and 75889 Ferrari Ultimate Garage.

Speed Champions is an in-house LEGO® theme featuring external licences by various car manufacturers. The theme’s fourth year in production is a testament to its great success.  The 2018 line up is represented by sets licensed by Ford Motor Company, and two long-running IP partners of TLG: Ferrari N.V and Porsche AG.

I’ve been a gearhead all my life, and I remember trying to recreate real cars in minifig-scale models with the bricks I had as a kid. Cars like this at the time would have made my mouth soar from swooshing and vrooming.

22 February 2018

London AFOLs: Real-world

Posted by Admin
We had a box of LEGO® pieces left over from our Skærbæk Parts Festival (which Jason Briscoe kindly drove back to London, thanks Jase!) and so we took them to a meet up of London AFOLs, for more building adventures. London AFOLs are - you guessed it - a bunch of adult fans of LEGO who meet in London. In a pub! It's very friendly and informal, and new and international visitors are always welcome. They meet on the second Monday of every month, so check out the group on meetup.com/LondonAFOLs. 

Over three posts, we will show you just a fraction of what was built that evening. Today we start with some real-world objects the builders dreamt up. Our parts were added to London AFOLs' existing brick stock and head honcho Richard Selby had the idea of restricting build time to just 20 minutes! Then everyone would move tables to try out the different parts on offer. Many of the featured 'seed' parts from the festival had previously been gobbled up by Skærbæk builds, so you'll notice more of the supplementary parts from the festival in these builds. A lot of these were rare or new recolours of existing parts, so I will point some of these out as we go.

18 February 2018

10260 Downtown Diner: New parts and colours

Posted by Admin
After our Tealicious appetiser looking at all the Teal parts in LEGO® Creator Expert 10260 Downtown Diner, your main course of new parts is now on the menu. So slip into a comfortable position in that little red diner stool because your waitress Elspeth De Montes is scooting towards your table to serve up new LEGO elements.

Now before we start, I know we don’t normally focus much on minifigures here at New Elementary but in the case of Downtown Diner I must make an exception. There’s no easy way to say this so I’m just going to get it off my chest - the boxer in this set has the most ridiculously bouffant hairstyle I have ever seen in a boxing ring. Can you pick out the boxer’s hairstyle? Hint: I can only assume that Jamie Berard must have won a bet for using this hairstyle on a bloke!

10 February 2018

2017 Skærbæk Parts Festival: Cristiano Grassi and Oscar Cederwall

Posted by Admin
Two participants of our parts festival at Skærbæk Fan Weekend last September continued building with the new LEGO® pieces after they got home from Denmark.

Oscar Cederwall

Oscar was very interested in the strange Minecraft railway track piece, Plate 2X2, W/ Design in Reddish Brown (Element ID 6163991|Design ID 27928).

He pulled some crafty moves to set the whole of the interior of this flower box at 45°.

04 February 2018

LEGO® Ideas 21313 Ship in a Bottle

Posted by Admin
Sven Franic found some surprising things inside LEGO® Ideas 21313 Ship in a Bottle. The set has 962 pieces and is now available, for an RRP of £69.99 / US$69.99 / 69.99€. 

Another weird and wonderful set has recently emerged from the LEGO® Ideas platform. A team effort from fan designer Jake Sadovich and LEGO model designer Tiago Catarino went through what seems like a tough job: adapting a glass bottle into a feasible construction for a set.

01 February 2018

Prizes announced for our LEGO® Teal competition

Posted by Admin
At long last we can confirm the fantastic prizes for our fun competition! You can read all about it on the Kill Teal (Volume 2) competition announcement page but here are the highlights:

  • You could win LEGO® Creator Expert 10260 Downtown Diner! (worth £129.99/ US$169.99/ 149.99€)
  • You don't need to own teal bricks to enter
  • Entries ARE NOW CLOSED

Prizes mentioned in this post were kindly supplied by the LEGO Group. All content represents the opinions of New Elementary authors and not the LEGO Group. All text and images are © New Elementary unless otherwise attributed.

10260 Downtown Diner: Teal-icious Appetiser

Posted by Admin
Elspeth De Montes will be dividing up her review of LEGO® Creator Expert 10260 Downtown Diner into delicious chunks. The set has 2480 pieces and is priced at £129.99/ US$169.99/ 149.99€/ 1399.00 DKK, but you have the chance of winning the set if you enter our building competition, Kill Teal (Volume 2)!

January 1st saw the release of LEGO® Creator Expert 10260 Downtown Diner.  The annual release of the next Modular Building is always a highly anticipated event, and this year’s offering is certainly an eye-catching model based on first appearances.

This first part of the review will focus on the comeback colour.  Yes, that famous LEGO colour known as Teal [[LDraw and Peeron] / Bright Bluish Green [TLG] / Dark Turquoise [BL] has arisen from its untimely death by the hands of Mark Stafford back in 2006.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the beautiful Bright Bluish Green water and bathe in the lush Teal bricks supplied in Downtown Diner.